Central station Munich
Lasa Marble Chippings as frost-resistant aggregate for distribution level floors
From 2013 to 2015, the subterranean S-Bahn (City Train) and U-Bahn (Underground Railway) distribution level in front of the station building was redesigned at Munich Central Railway Station. Since then, the renovated barrier floor, including the shops located there, has presented itself in new splendour: bright, spacious and clearly laid out. The internationally active architectural office, “Auer Weber Architekten”, which was commissioned with the planning and implementation, was looking for a white aggregate suitable in colour for the production of the new cement-bound floor slabs to be laid, which had the extraordinary property of frost resistance as well as a particular hardness. The choice fell on marble granulate and marble gravel of the LASA® brand produced by Lasa Marmo.
Every day, 200,000 people pass through the distribution level for the S-Bahn and U-Bahn, which was opened in 1972 for the start of the Olympic Games and was designed as an underground mezzanine level, located at Munich Central Railway Station under Bahnhofsplatz and Arnulfstraße. Since February 2014, and after three years of renovations during ongoing operations, this distribution level presents itself in new splendour. The entire mezzanine floor was redesigned according to the design principle of the "street as a space for movement". A seamless grid ceiling with integrated LED lighting, white glass tiles at the stairways and a so-called Agglo-Terrazzo floor with a fine aggregate of Lasa marble (LASA® gravel grain size 4-8 mm) laid over a large area of 4,700 m², support the clear and bright appearance.
The design was created by the Stuttgart and Munich based architectural firm, Auer Weber Architekten. Heiko Hamann, head of station management, explains: "The customer should not just rush through, but enjoy spending time here." In addition to the factor of frost resistance and an exceptionally special hardness, the marble gravel as an aggregate for the Agglo marble was also convincing because of its colour qualities. The granulated form, made from Lasa marble, is particularly white and retains its original colour even when mixed with cement. In addition, the gravel also contains larger calcite crystals in a rhombohedral structure. Depending on the incidence of light, they also give the polished artificial stone the pearly sparkle that Lasa marble is well known for. Thanks to the conversion, the mezzanine floor once again has a contemporary and transparent appearance that does justice to its outstanding function as Munich's calling card and gateway to Munich's public transport system as well as a transition to the city centre. The client and planners were awarded the European Rail Congress Award for their design concept.
Project information
Munich, Germany, 2014
Product: Aggloterrazzo floor with gravel in Lasa Marble (granularity 4-8 mm)