1962Entrepreneur Giuseppe Sonzogno, from Trieste, purchases Lasa Marmo

In 1962, after an internal research, the Ente Delle Tre Venezie sold Lasa Marmo to the only interested party: Trieste’s Cava Romana di Aurisina joint-stock Co. The negotiations took place in absolute secrecy. On April 16th 1962 the Ente signed the bilateral trading agreement in Venice with Giuseppe Sonzogno as representative of Cava Romana S.p.A. The acquisition sum and the payment method were agreed upon in that occasion. Before mid-June 50 million Lire had to be transferred. The rest would be paid in monthly installments of 10 million Lire each.

The contract was filed in Venice 12 days after the signing, and two days later the sale of Lasa Marmo appeared on all newspapers headlines. Two prevailing opinions emerged as a result of the trade agreement: one party considered the Cava Romana as a solid financial base and an experienced group in the marble industry, others were concerned that this privatization would lead to job losses.