1932Antonio Consiglio, Deputy Manager of Nord Carrara, becomes Technical Director of Lasa Marmo

The stock market crash on New York’s Black Friday and the ensuing economic depression destroyed all hopes for large sales of Lasa’s marble on the American market. Because of economic planning mistakes by Lasa’s executives, Ernst Schröder was fired and replaced by Arthur Boskamp, a cableways expert from the company "Adolf Bleichert & Co. - Fabrik für Drahtseilbahnen”.

Lasa’s "marble railway” was designed and built by the Leipzig company "Bleichert & Co.”. Mr. Francini, whose calculations, reckless estimations and exaggerated extraction methods had aroused the board of directors’ criticism, was joined by a young engineer from Puglia, Antonio Consiglio, former Deputy Manager of Nord Carrara, which was one of the largest and most important companies in Italy at the time. One of the worst chapters in the history of Lasa’s marble extraction is also connected with Francini: with the excuse of recovering the time lost, Francini recommended the opening of new extraction galleries with the use of explosives. In 1932 his contract was not renewed and Consiglio was nominated Technical Director.