1961An inside research prepares the way for the sale of Lasa

Huge sums were invested in resuming activities at the Mitterwand quarry, where only the Hauser. Co. had worked after WW1. These sums were hard to justify within the company’s overall cash-flow. Until 1962 Lasa Marmo had extracted only 624 cubic meters of marble from the Mitterwand quarry, a paltry quantity if compared to the 10,000 m³ of 1928. An internal research had illustrated the accumulated losses.

600 million Lire had been invested until 1962, especially for creating and securing jobs, mostly for Italians, as the report said. The idea of selling the company was encouraged not only by the difficult entrepreneurial situation, but also by the tense political situation during the so-called ‘years of the bombs’. In those years activist groups were trying to call attention towards the disagreements among ethnic groups in South Tyrol by means of bombing attacks against various state institutions.