1989Nadia Sonzogno succeeds her husband

Nadia Speranza Cernobori, born in Pola, an Istrian city now belonging to Croatia, was Giuseppe Sonzogno’s second wife. She was 17 years younger than her husband. Having started as company secretary, Nadia became vice president and, at her husband’s death, the owner of Lasa marble.

An important step in the sequence of events took place in 1987, two years before Sonzogno’s death. In August 1987, Sonzogno’s family deposited and recorded a resolution passed by the Board of Lasa Marmo. The acts were deposited at Trieste’s Chamber of Commerce and Industry: Nadia Sonzogno was nominated ordinary director. She was furthermore put in charge of the accounting and financial offices. Elizabetta Sonzogno, who at that time was a 23 years old student, also joined the Board of Directors to help the mother in her duties.