University Luigi Bocconi

LASA BIANCO NUVOLATO® for the award-winning new Aula Magna at Milan's Elite University

In 2006 and 2007 Lasa Marmo equipped the newly built Aula Magna in the new university building complex as well as the foyer of the elite university, Luigi Bocconi with floor and wall panels and steps of the LASA BIANCO NUVOLATO® grade. The floors of the bathrooms located in the foyer were also clad with the refined finishing material of Lasa marble. The surfaces for the floor slabs and treads were sanded, and the surfaces in the bathrooms have a polished finish.

Project Information

Milan, Italy, 2006/2007

Product:Assembly hall and foyer. Floors, treads and bathrooms.
Surface:Floors and treads honed, bathrooms polished.
Architect:Grafton Architects, Dublin

LASA Bianco Nuvolato™®