The BIM floor objects were developed using the Autodesk Revit software. Depending on the properties of the software, the objects can be used via a project file (*.rvt) and can be used - as a starting project or as a source for transferring information - within an existing project.

Thanks to their structuring, the floor objects contained in the project file enable the creation of schematic drawings and views in photorealism. Therefore, before using the objects, it is absolutely necessary to load the images from which the objects derive their graphic appearance into a separate folder. To do this, download the rendered image file "Naturstein_FloorImages" together with the project file.

The project file *.rvt can be opened directly: a double click with the left mouse button on the file is sufficient. The directly opened project can thus be used as a working basis or as a tool for transferring the information contained in an existing project.

In Autodesk Revit, floors are recognised as system families: therefore, they can be managed and defined exclusively within template or project files. The files provided contain all the information on the respective processing material - supplemented by additional laying or layering examples and special calculation tables for automated key data output of the material.